Wilfred Gray, President , Sales and Daily Operations
Saundra Barnhart-Gray, Administrative Manager/Accountant
- Has been with SyDar for over 7 years.
- Runs the day-to-day operations of SyDar as it relates to accounting and record-keeping.
- Strong command in meeting the needs and requirements of the accounts receivable and payable department.
- Has implemented many reliable and effective procedures that ensure the financial stability of SyDar.
- Always improving her skill-set to enhance innovation and production at SyDar.
- Accompanies the Vice President to meetings and engagements. Is a true asset thanks to her strong communication skills.
- Very precise eye for details. Constantly improving company processes.
- A warm personality, approachable, with a sympathetic and comforting way of interacting with staff. Always concentrating on what is best for the company and its employees.
Marvin Moore, Shop Foreman
- Over 40 years of experience in the printing industry.
- Has been with SyDar for over 20 years, acting as foreman for the last 15 years.
- Extensive knowledge of industry standards and requirements.
- Strong attention to detail, quality control, and perfected production.
- Innovative and effective implementation of layouts, stripping, the use of cutters, shrink wrapping, drilling rigs and industrial folders.
- Expert management and organization of print shop operations, so that all jobs run smoothly and efficiently.
- Warm, friendly, and dependable. A stalwart employee and a true asset to SyDar.
- Always ready to go above and beyond for both the customer and the job.